Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What does the future hold??

So, if I had the option to do anything I wanted in the future it would definitely include photography. I love taking pictures, editing pictures, multimedia slide shows, photoshop, and basically anything related to these things. I would be happy going one of two route with this however...

1. Photographer for National Geographic...
It would be my absolute dream to be able to travel the world and shoot such amazing things. I have been fascinated with National Geographic since I was young. I love nature, animals, seeing distant places, etc. Obvisouly, this is a rather ambitious goal. I suppose the first steps to obtaining it would be to immerse myself in reading and following the work of other National Geographic and prominent photographers, as well as shooting as much as I can.

2. My other dream would be to work as a photographer/creative director for Vogue.

I love fashion and the edgy photography associated with it. I think as a creative director I would be able to be more expressive in my work. Obviously Vogue is a well known fashion magazine, but I would be happy working at various other fashion magazines as well. To achieve my goals in the fashion world, I think keeping up to date with recent trends, models, designers and celebrities is important. I also think that working with lighting and working with photography in a studio would be important.

Who knows what I will end up doing, but these would be 2 job offers I could not pass up !

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