Thursday, March 3, 2011

♫ Cheer Up Sophie Jean ♫

I can't even remember my dreams, let alone write about them. I blame these guys.

Dream jobs are no exception.

I've never thought about my happiness in terms of having my dream job one day, and I think that's good. I think I will be happy to have a job that pays the bills and I just hope that my job doesn't define who I am. I hope that my job is not the most important part of my life. I want to have friends, a partner, a dog. That would be nice.

I've never been much of a dreamer, and people are totally put off by that. I can tell. I wish I was different. I just don't think that way. So...this is hard...

I think that if I could do anything in a perfect world, I'd be a teacher. Unfortunately, I don't think a teacher's salary can really afford the kind of bills I wanna get. Also, teachers are severely under-appreciated and I know this wouldn't really mesh with my workplace personality. Maybe that attitude will change soon. If it does, I swear I will drop everything and get my certificate. It's the best way that I know how to give back. Plus, one of my fears is that one day I won't be interested in learning anymore. Teaching forces you to learn every day.

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