Monday, January 24, 2011

Story Ideas

  1. Profile of first black students and their opinions on how UGA handled their arrival.
  2. Profile of a student already attending UGA when the desegregation happened and how it affected their studies.
  3. What influences pushed Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to make the decision to pursue UGA.
  4. President Adams feelings about where the University is now compared to 50 years ago, and where he hopes it goes.
  5. Profile of the first black graduate and the pros and cons of going to UGA compared to other universities.
  6. Survey of black students and their feelings about desegregation. Do they still feel segregated at UGA.
  7. A look into the first black professors and there role at UGA. What departments did they teach.
  8. People's opinions on the events celebrating the anniversary.
  9. When did UGA start recruiting black student athletes.
  10. How were black students first received in the community.
  11. Community growth and its changes after desegregation.
  12. Violence seen during desegregation and how it shaped new students.

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