I'm Lindsay Durand. I'm a Magazines major with a Spanish minor. I lived in Seville, Spain this summer and traveled through Spain and Portugal. My favorite place in the world is Barcelona. Now I live downtown with my two best friends and another girl with a mean cat named Stephen. She chose the name.
I have many nicknames including but not limited to LD, Linda, Linty, Linds, and the ever popular DJ L. Dangerous.

Writing this bio is almost impossible with the pup distracting me.
This is Kaya, my boyfriend's black lab/pitt mix he rescued last year, a.k.a. my soul mate. The only thing she can't do is talk, which we're working on.
My mom is my inspiration. I see her as a cross between Mother Teresa and Martha Stewart. I would most likely put ketchup on literally anything I was served. I like to think of a name for my style every season. This spring it was "tiny vintage florals", but I think this season it's "shiny gold 80's". I have a brother that I love very much except for the fact that he is better looking than me. I love all things Alice in Wonderland, but I have black hair so I changed my goal in life to being Snow White. I like to pretend I'm taking pictures of a group of people and then at the last minute, flip the camera around and take a picture of myself. I like electronic music, especially Pretty Lights, but I'll listen to anything really.
I spelled my name wrong on the SATs in high school. I know this because my college mail was addressed to Ms. Linds M. Durand. I guess I just felt rushed. I did not lose 200 points, in case you were wondering.
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting to rest the "spell your name wrong on the SAT and lose 200 points" rumors. I always wondered, "How do they know your name anyway?"
So is the dog your soulmate or your boyfriend?
Solid writing, very funny ... but late! Shame, shame, shame.
Editing notes:
-punctuation inside parenthesis not outside
-magazines not Magazines major